Listing of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figures that have been released from companies other than Playmates Toys.
Also included are a ton of cartoon accurate accessories! This is seriously contender for best set of TMNT action figures ever produced, if not already the clear-cut winner. Pre-orders for pick-up at San Diego Comic Con as well as a non-attendeea shipping option will be made available in ...
“Bringing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into Masters of the Universe is a dream come true for many action figure fans. This is an unprecedented moment to collide fan-favorite properties – never been done before in the rich history of both brands,”said PJ Lewis, VP and Glo...
MEGO—Action Jackson Action Figure 01:02 Mego—弹性英雄 绿巨人1979 00:30 1966 BONANZA Action Figures TV Commercial by American Character! 01:12 KENNER—旋转玩具广告1977 00:34 Kenner——Bill & Ted 00:32 KENNER—1985年DC超级力量系列 00:32 KENNER——星球大战光剑玩具 Star Wars Lightsaber...
Tags90's,Action Figures,Cartoon Show,TMNT,Toys Leave a comment Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys July 1, 2019byKane Dane Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a reimagining of the characters in a new and interesting way, in this version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle...
I wish everything wasn't tied to getting that other figure, I don't collect the Mirage stuff at all, so that's getting sold. I'm iffy on keeping the Arcade stuff too but want all the cartoon stuff. Quote: Originally Posted by TheCup I'm excited for the figures (and even what ...
Yes,thatDanny Pennington, otherwise known as the skinny red headed punk bitch that outed the turtles because daddy didn’t pay enough attention to him. From the looks of things, Danny seems to be in scale with the other TMNT movie figures and comes with an alternative head. ...
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In addition to an entire line of Last Ronin figures based on the comics, they included an Easter Egg of sorts at last years SDCC. There was a Last Ronin figure in the style of their Cartoon series. Via Pixel Dan on YouTube The other major player in in the TMNT toy universe is Super...