While Leonardo and Raphael often butt heads due to their ideological differences and varying crime-fighting tactics, Raphael finds his other half in Casey Jones. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles save the world like superheroes, but Casey acts more like a vigilante, drawing Raph's more violent te...
The trailer instantly transports us back to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise’s glory days, with its vibrant, comic-inspired art style and the iconic quartet of mutant brothers: Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey.The game looks to capture the upbeat, lighthearted tone that made the early...
Eastman: What I think is great about the new series, although there are tweaks and nudges, and some of the quirks and issues are firmed up and run deeper—it feels like the group dynamic is basically the same—Leo/leader, Mike/comedy, Don/tech stuff, and Raph/hothead -- but told in...