Tonka Super Naturals Action Figures Commercial (1987) 00:31 Boglins 怪物手偶 00:31 爬虫玩具广告 Creepy Crawlers Toy Commercial (1992) 00:31 Micronauts Commercial Youngminds Presented by AcroRay's Laboratory 00:50 Hasbro——蓝精灵 1984 00:30 GIJoe 1982—1992 广告 06:15 GIJOE 广告 19...
Listing of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figures that have been released from companies other than Playmates Toys.
Based on the 1988 line of Playmates toys, this set is a great collection of what got most of us hooked. The reissue is sure to be a welcome addition to any TMNT collection. Selling for $39.99, you can preorder yours here! Batman vs the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Figures DC rules th...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures 1 (1988) Mirage/IDW Publishing The goofy, villainous duo of Bebop and Rocksteady are staples within the TMNT franchise. Bebop, a mutated warthog, and Rocksteady, a mutated rhinoceros, were once human gangsters that the Shredder subjected to mutations in conju...
Playmates在1988年发布了TMNT忍者神龟系列人偶玩具,并一直在世界各地的粉丝心中占有一席之地。系列自初,每个人物便附有专属的一套武器和配件,极具特色,并且漫画和电视系列中的所有角色都陆陆续续出现在了玩具系列中,还包括一些原创角色。 不仅是动画和漫画,随着TMNT电影的上映后Playmate随即推出的电影人偶大卖,Playmate又...
If you’re anything like I am, then the TMNT figures from Playmates Toys hold a very big spot in your heart. From the line’s beginnings in 1988 until it ended almost a decade later, that original collection will always be a special one. One reason for that was its scope. The line...
Playmates在1988年发布了TMNT忍者神龟系列人偶玩具,并一直在世界各地的粉丝心中占有一席之地。系列自初,每个人物便附有专属的一套武器和配件,极具特色,并且漫画和电视系列中的所有角色都陆陆续续出现在了玩具系列中,还包括一些原创角色。 不仅是动画和漫画,随着TMNT电影的上映后Playmate随即推出的电影人偶大卖,Playmate又...
Movie Star Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figure Set New in Box TMNT . Includes 6 figures 竞买须知 1、拍卖行的拍卖活动受拍卖活动行为发生地相关法律、法规约束; 2、拍库仅向您提供拍库平台服务,您了解的拍库平台上的信息系第三方商家提供图片,且可能存在风险和瑕疵,拍库无法逐一审查商品及/或服务的...
Mini Mutants Exoskeleton Figures Exoskeleton Leonardo Exoskeleton DonatelloExoskeleton Raphael Exoskeleton MichelangeloExoskeleton Shredder Mini Mutant Playsets Series 2 Mike's Kickin' Crash PadDon's Secret Surveillance Lab S.W.A.T. Leo VS Shredder ...
July 1, 2019byKane Dane Ever since 1988, Playmates Toys, a Hong Kongese toy company have been the main producer of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys. Their action figures first came as part of the original line called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Playmates Toys were releasing 90s Ninja Turtle...