This paper discusses the similarities and differences between Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) allocations and water use allocations under Washington State water resources law. Linkages exist both in the technical analysis and in TMDL implementation, because of the importance of flow to the analysis of...
Environmentalists in a pair of related legal actions are seeking to force EPA to require Washington state to develop Clean Water Act (CWA) cleanup plans for hundreds of impaired waters in the state, arguing the agency has failed to meet the terms of a 1998 settlement agreement and alleging ...
Johns River (LSJR) (Florida), and Draft TMDL and Managed Implementation Plan (MIP) for Spokane River and Long Lake (Washington) as concrete examples of setting site-specific numeric nutrient criteria. Comparison of the methods used in each of these TMDLs and MIP to determine nutrient criteria...
This paper presents the results of the survey and summarizes several examples of impaired waters assigned to Category 4b in the State of Washington based on alternatives to TMDLs.doi:10.2175/193864707786619684Monschein, EricMann, LaurieProceedings of the Water Environment Federation...