1. TMDB 的 api_key 可自行申请,免费的。 https://www.themoviedb.org。确实觉得麻烦的可以付费查看我的api_key。 隐藏内容,支付费用后阅读 已经有10人购买查看了此内容 ¥1 登录注册 2. api.themoviedb.org 的访问可能会有问题,原因是DNS污染。可以自己测试下面的IP改一下hosts,我这里用的
request.js constAPI_KEY="API KEY";constrequests = {fetchTrending:`/trending/all/week?api_key=${API_KEY}&language=en-US`,fetchNetflixOriginals:`/discover/tv?api_key=${API_KEY}$with_networks=213`,fetchTopRated:`/movie/top_rated?api_key=${API_KEY}&language=en-US`,fetchActionMovies:`...
movieReq.open('GET',' https: //api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/299537?api_key = ',false); 我还有其他XMLHttpRequests可以返回JSON数据。这些请求正在使用API的发现功能。 这是产生问题的功能 function loadIMDBDetails(mO, i) { movieReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); movieReq.onreadystatechange = function (...
Model.Net.HttpException: Connection to https://api.themoviedb.org/3/configuration?api_key=f6bd...
interfaceTMDBConfig{IMG_URL:string;SECURE_IMG_URL:string;API_KEY:string;TV_GENRE_OBJ:{[key:number]:string};MOVIE_GENRE_OBJ:{[key:number]:string};API_OPTIONS:{dateFormatString:string;};} Options Object When initializing, you also have the options to pass anOptionsobject. This will set some...
Generate a new API key by clicking the link in the "Request a new API key" section: You'll be prompted to select the appropriate type of API key for your project: Read and accept the terms of use. You will be asked to describe how you will use the API data you retrieve. While we...
Before we can make a request using the API, the very first thing we have to do is to register and get our API Key from themoviedb.org. The Movie Database (TMDb API) We will build a great movie app. Here are the main features of the app that we will build: List of movies by ...
$tmdb=Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');$Auth=newAuth($tmdb);echo$Auth->getRequestToken(); $tmdb=Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');$Auth=newAuth($tmdb);$Auth->connect($_POST['request_token']); This call redirect the page to TMDb website login page for ident...
$ pip install tmdbv3api Usage The first step is to initialize a TMDb object and set your API Key. fromtmdbv3apiimportTMDbtmdb=TMDb()tmdb.api_key='YOUR_API_KEY' Alternatively, you can export your API key as an environment variable. ...