Flashback Friday! More Impressive: Reggie Miller's 8 points in 9 seconds or T-Mac's 13 in 35? StaffJune 1, 2012 When I think of Reggie Miller, one memory sticks out the most. It’s him flashing the choking sign… View MoreFlashback Friday! More Impressive: Reggie Miller's 8 points...
Literally, I am and will always be a TMAC fan. When I was a kid, TMAC was the very first foreign player that I really knew. Back then, TMAC was with Yao Ming in Houston Rockets. I quickly got obsessed with the jump-shot of TMAC and I was totally charmed by his elegant but po...
因为当UIView创建了它的宿主图层时,它就会自动地把图层的delegate设置为它自己,并提供了一个-displayLayer:的实现,那所有的问题就都没了。 当使用寄宿了视图的图层的时候,你也不必实现-displayLayer:和-drawLayer:inContext:方法咦绘制你的寄宿图。通常做法是实现UIView的-drawRect:方法,UIView就会帮你做完剩下的...
}- (void)updateHandsAnimated:(BOOL)animated {//convert time to hours, minutes and secondsNSCalendar *calendar =[[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar]; NSUInteger units= NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit |NSSecondCalendarUnit; NSDateComponents*components =[calendar c...