TM-0009F-M version02 TESLAMOTORSSTANDARD MaterialSpecification:ElectrodepositedZinc-BasedAnti-CorrosionCoatings Printedcopiesareuncontrolled.Controlleddocumentsresideelectronically.Individualsinpossessionofanuncontrolledcopyare responsibleforensuringthattheyare using the latest revision of this document. ...
内容提示: TM-0009F-M version 02TESLA MOTORS STANDARD Material Specification: Electrodeposited Zinc-Based Anti-Corrosion Coatings Printed copies are uncontrolled. Controlled documents reside electronically. Individuals in possession of an uncontrolled copy are responsible for ensuring that they are using the...
responsible for ensuring that they are using the latest revision of this document.© 2012 Tesla Motors, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.Print Date: 12/3/2012 1 of 8 TM-0009F-M Electrodeposited Zinc-Based Anti-Corrosion Coatings Fasteners, Sheet, Plate Proprietary and Confidential Prepar...
更换职位 职位关闭 PMC高级经理/经理 - K 雷曼光电 半导体/芯片 已上市 更换职位 招聘中 pmc工程师 - K 库犸科技 智能硬件 A轮 立即沟通 职位详情 惠州 3-5年 本科 生产计划与物流控制 岗位职责: 1、直接对接各销售事业部,主导订单评审,N+3预测,订单的优先级定义,产能约束与提前制造,资源分配等; 2、组织...
岗位职责: 1、直接对接各销售事业部,主导订单评审,N+3预测,订单的优先级定义,产能约束与提前制造,资源分配等; 2、组织制定、实施生产计划,贯穿于交付过程,成为端到端交付体系的纽带和控制中心,对生产计划的及时性、正确性负责; 3、产能规划计划---设备、人力等资源匹配,使之利用率最大化,对资源配置的合理性负责...
TM-0009F-M version02 TESLAMOTORSSTANDARD MaterialSpecification:ElectrodepositedZinc-BasedAnti-CorrosionCoatings Printedcopiesareuncontrolled.Controlleddocumentsresideelectronically.Individualsinpossessionofanuncontrolledcopyare responsibleforensuringthattheyare using the latest revision of this document. ...
responsible for ensuring that they are using the latest revision of this document.© 2012 Tesla Motors, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.Print Date: 12/3/2012 1 of 8 TM-0009F-M Electrodeposited Zinc-Based Anti-Corrosion Coatings Fasteners, Sheet, Plate Proprietary and Confidential Prepar...
responsible for ensuring that they are using the latest revision of this document.© 2012 Tesla Motors, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.Print Date: 12/3/2012 1 of 8 TM-0009F-M Electrodeposited Zinc-Based Anti-Corrosion Coatings Fasteners, Sheet, Plate Proprietary and Confidential Prepar...