It was a much deeper, more respectful way of being. I was never afraid to be myself. I knew I was loved for me. The young woman I was. The mother I became. The soul I was growing to be. We always held space to rediscover each other as we grew further into adulthood together. ...
Can’t link text in an image unless all the .jpgs are changed to .swfs in Flash and then the tiny little words were given clickable boxes. That’s the only way I know of, at least. It would not only making embedding difficult, it would slow the site down a whole lot. Reply ...
Flash back now to the second Friday of last year’s festival. A cab delivers my wife and me to the Lion’s Den. We grab two seats near the stage and make the acquaintance of our waitress. The Professionals assemble and give us several warm-up songs. Then a pause. We know what this...