Recipes/June 6, 2019 TLS 蛋白松露朱古力 TLS Protein Truffle By: Certified Coach Wan Ki Kong 加工甜食例如蛋糕、朱古力及糖果,進食後血糖升得快,是減重大忌。今次介紹用TLS高纖蛋白製作健康松露朱古力,只需1小時即可完成,既滿足口慾,又不用擔心愈食愈肥了。 材料: 碎燕麥 50克 燕麥糠 50克 無糖花生醬 ...
Yogurt is a great choice for breakfast because it’s a healthy, calcium-rich snack. Start your day off right with this delicious and easy recipe! 1 cup low fat yogurt ½ tablespoon honey ½ cup granola ½ cup oats ½ cup strawberries ½ cup blueberries...
進行過TLS 減重計劃的朋友都知道TLS飲食其實有很多選擇。 上提供一係列適合不同減重計劃的飲食食譜,總有一款食譜適合你!今次由TLS授証教練Irene Mak為大家介紹超簡易TLS食譜! Are you searching for more TLS recipes? For those who have followed TLS weight loss plan know that TLS menu… ...
This smart swap replaces the butter and sugars with dried fruit and a little natural maple syrup to really bring out the warmth of our favorite nutrient-packed winter squash one of our most popular, much healthier Fall recipes: Prep Time:1 hour + 10 minutes ...
Recipes/January 22, 2018 泰式椒麻雞 食材:雞胸,高麗菜,香菜 調味:醬油,魚露,檸檬,赤藻糖醇,蒜頭,辣椒 作法: 1..雞胸下鍋乾煎到金黃色,高麗菜切絲 2.混合調味料:醬油2匙,魚露1匙,檸檬汁 2匙,赤藻糖醇2匙,蒜末1匙,辣椒末適量,香菜末 3.(下)高麗菜絲,(中)煎好的雞胸,(上)混合調味料,美味盛盤上...
8. User posts, comments and other content: You acknowledge that all content, information, software, photos, videos, text, graphics, music, sounds, questions, creative suggestions, messages, comments, feedback, ideas, recipes, notes, drawings, articles and other materials posted, emailed or otherwi...
In TLS, boiled chicken breast is never an option, we provide recipes for you to make the chicken breast healthy and delicious, here is a quick and easy way to get it ready. 食譜對應的TLS計劃 Corresponding TLS Program 7天排毒飲食計劃7-DAY DETOX 擊退脂肪計劃 14-DAY FAT SHREDDER 30日快速...
Half of these come from easy-to-replace foods like sodas, energy drinks, sweetened coffees, baked goods, and candy! Try to limit sweets to an occasional treat and replace the others with fruits or one of the delicious recipes on ourPinterestboard!
Recipes/December 1, 2017 Recipe: Try This Quick + Easy TLS Baked Egg Muffin By: Debbie Lui Nothing beats this quick one-minute egg breakfast. Preparing a nutritious breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated. Enjoy this delicious recipe which gives… ...