在英办理法签|加急预约slot|有效期蕞长 🇬🇧复活节马上就要到啦,不允许还有人没办理签证!!任何不会申请申根签的英国留学生都会让我伤心💔 - ✅预约 Slot、填申请表需要用到的🌐 1⃣️“france-visa”,用于法 - 走走旅行申根签小助手于20240219发布
2、 法国签证官网 (填写申请表&追踪申请进度)https://france-visas.gouv.fr/zh/ 用途:填写「法国签证申请表」,以及在后续递交签证申请后,追踪相关进度。 3、TLS法国签证受理中心(✅递签地址相关信息)https://visas-fr.tlscontact.com/visa/cn 用途:所有信息准备好后,去预约到「法国签证中心」递签。可以事先...
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Visa application clerk (离职员工) - Wandsworth, Greater London - 2023年5月22日 It’s actually acquire fun. However, very long hours, especially if you are working for France. Very controlled as well in terms of breaks and phone usage and lunch is only 30 mins (!!!). 这篇点评对您有...
Visa application clerk in Wandsworth, Greater London 3.0 on 22 May 2023 Fun place to work It’s actually acquire fun. However, very long hours, especially if you are working for France. Very controlled as well in terms of breaks and phone usage and lunch is only 30 mins (!!!). Operat...
Company Namefrance in the ukEmployees51 - 200HQUnited Kingdom, LondonAnnual revenue--Total visits--Law and Government > Government gov.ukCompany Namewelcome to gov.ukEmployees> 10001HQUnited Kingdom, SwindonAnnual revenue--Total visits93.1MLaw and Government > Government --Company Name--Employees...
Visa application clerk(离职员工)-Wandsworth, Greater London-2023年5月22日 It’s actually acquire fun. However, very long hours, especially if you are working for France. Very controlled as well in terms of breaks and phone usage and lunch is only 30 mins (!!!). 这...
Customer Service Representative/Operations Agent (离职员工) - London, Greater London - 2020年2月3日 In TLS contact a typical day of work included communicating with clients in the visa centre. The good thing about working in TLS was that i learnt a lot about the industry and the different ...