可以看到TLS1.3的Alert 依然是对于TLS1.2的扩展,这里举两个新增的例子: unrecognized_name(112):当没有识别出服务器时,由服务器通过“server_name”扩展名发送给客户端提供的名称(参考 [RFC6066])。 unknown_psk_identity:当需要建立 PSK 会话重用连接但客户端没有提供受到认可的的 PSK 身份时由服务器发送(注意可...
“remote error: tls: unrecognized name”错误通常发生在TLS(传输层安全协议)握手过程中,当TLS客户端尝试连接到服务器时,如果服务器无法识别或匹配客户端提供的服务器名称(通常在SNI,即服务器名称指示扩展中指定),就会触发此错误。这通常意味着客户端尝试连接的服务器名称与服务器证书中的名称不匹配。 2. 可能的原...
unrecognized_name(112):当没有识别出服务器时,由服务器通过“server_name”扩展名发送给客户端提供的名称(参考 [RFC6066])。 unknown_psk_identity:当需要建立 PSK 会话重用连接但客户端没有提供受到认可的的 PSK 身份时由服务器发送(注意可选发送), 服务器可能会改为发送“decrypt_error”警报以仅指示无效的 P...
unrecognized_name(112), bad_certificate_status_response(113), unknown_psk_identity(115), certificate_required(116), no_application_protocol(120), (255) } AlertDescription; TLS 1.2 Alert 枚举定义: enum{ close_notify(0), unexpected_message(10), ...
(110), certificate_unobtainable_RESERVED(111), unrecognized_name(112), bad_certificate_status_response(113), bad_certificate_hash_value_RESERVED(114), unknown_psk_identity(115), certificate_required(116), no_application_protocol(120), (255) } AlertDescription; struct { AlertLevel level; Alert...
RFC 6066TLS Extension Definitions January 201110.2. Reference for TLS Alerts, TLS HandshakeTypes, and ExtensionTypesThe following values in the TLS Alert Registry have been updated to reference this document: 111 certificate_unobtainable 112 unrecognized_name 113 bad_certificate_status_response 114 bad_...
certificate unobtainable (111) unrecognized name (112) bad certificate status response (113) bad certificate hash value (114) They should be added as constants in crypto/tls. What version of Go are you using (go version)? $ go version go version go1.13.4 darwin/amd64 Does this issue ...
Liveness probe failed: Get "https://10.0.x.x:8443/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name I have set up a wildcard DNS for *.mydom.com, and Karpenter is using a TLS certificate with karpenter.mydom.com as the common name (CN). Despite my configuration, the probes keep failing due...
Section 3 of [RFC6066], which stated: | If the server understood the ClientHello extension but does not | recognize the server name, the server SHOULD take one of two | actions: either abort the handshake by sending a fatal-level | unrecognized_name(112) alert or continue the handshake....
Reference for TLS Alerts, TLS HandshakeTypes, and ExtensionTypes The following values in the TLS Alert Registry have been updated to reference this document: 111 certificate_unobtainable 112 unrecognized_name 113 bad_certificate_status_response 114 bad_certificate_hash_value The following values in the...