k8s集群通过kubeadm初始化的kubeadm init --kubernetes-version=v1.14.1 --apiserver-advertise-address --pod-network-cidr=,然后在/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml...
【spark operator】remote error: tls: bad certificate 用spark operator 的 Helm Charts 部署 spark operator,因为 spark operator 支持通过 webhook 来给 Driver/Executor Pod 添加 initContainer 这些选项,但是部署完之后发现下面的错误。 因为是证书问题,所以一下子就锁定是创建 webhook 服务的过程有问题了。所以查...
2017/07/30 07:01:34 aa.bb.cc.dd:54772 rejected Proxy|VMess|Encoding: failed to read request header > remote error: tls: bad certificate 2017/07/30 07:01:36 aa.bb.cc.dd:50333 rejected Proxy|VMess|Encoding: failed to read request header > remote error: tls: bad certificate 2017/07/3...
1它是客户端用来验证服务端的身份,如果验证通过则继续后续协商;如果验证不通过则会给客户端发送一条“Bad certificate”的告警消息。在大多数HTTPS实现中,这个证书校验功能可以关闭,此时便不会对服务端证书进行任何校验; 2用于对PreMasterKey的加密,从而完成PMK的传送。这也是两种TLS握手流程的最大区别。
I begin to check logs, and I find the below repeating over and over from all three of the IPs listed above: http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate It appears that the ansible playbook did generate some certificates: ...
TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate" Server configuration: the load balancer IP (see HAProxy configuration below) each server has their own external IP set asbind-address advertise-address: ...
4、 客户端收到 CompressedCertificate 消息后,使用其中的 algorithm 解压,如果解压成功,则进行后续处理,否则关闭连接并发送 bad_certificate 警告。服务端发送 CertificateRequest 消息,然后客户端发送 CompressedCertificate 消息的处理流程和上述类似,不再赘述。
TLS handshake error : : tls: bad certificate,Aug0210:55:52k8stian-m2kube-apiserver[6001]:I080210:55:52.5633676001controller.go:105]OpenAPIAggregationController:Processingitemk8s_internal_local_delegation_chain_0000000001Aug0210:55:52k8stian-m2ku
Observing below error logs in the docker-registry pod: Raw I0227 16:47:54.389624 1 logs.go:41] http: TLS handshake error from <central-pod-ip>:<port>: remote error: tls: bad certificate I0227 16:47:54.485551 1 logs.go:41] http: TLS handshake error from <central-pod-ip>:<port>:...