We propose a new model-checking algorithm for QCTL based on a reduction to QBF. We consider several reduction strategies and we compare them with a prototype (based on several QBF solvers) on different examples.doi:10.1016/j.ic.2020.104642A. Hossain...
本文内容 Syntax Parameters Remarks Examples Additional references Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows VistaPrints a test page, pauses or resumes a printer, and clears a printer queue.For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.Syntax...
Examples To pause all printing on the printer named ColorPrinter_2 hosted on the remote computer named HRServer, type: cscript prnqctl.vbs -z -s HRServer -p ColorPrinter_2 To resume printing Syntax cscript prnqctl.vbs-m[-sRemoteComputer]-pPrinterName[-uUserName-wPassword] ...