Juneau, Alaska-U.S.A. Alaska Seafood Company has been acquired by the Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. The company is a processor and provider of Alaska salmon, halibut, black cod, and caviar, selling to foodservice providers an...
Tlingit Culture, Language and Literacy Classrooms at Harborveiw Elementary School, Juneau, Alaska:http://www.jsd.k12.ak.us/hbv/Programs/tlingit_classrooms/ CCTHITA (Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska) http://www.tlingit-haida.org Israel Shotridge - Native Tl...
GIS Support Programs at the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of AlaskaRandy Henry
Alaska: Clan, Language, And Migration History Has Shaped Genetic Diversity In Haida And Tlingit Populations From Southeast AlaskaIndigenousPeoplesAdminAmerican Journal of Physical Anthropology
Tlingit, northernmost of the Northwest Coast Indians of North America, living on the islands and coastal lands of southern Alaska from Yakutat Bay to Cape Fox. They spoke the Tlingit language, which is related to Athabaskan. According to their traditions