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型号:TL/GN8010-C/E 特点:0、2、4~20、22mA电流输出/Modbus总线信号;防高浓度气体冲击的自动保护功能;高精度、抗中毒进口传感器;两个电缆进线口、方便现场安装;独立气室结构、传感器更换便捷 北京可燃有毒气体探测器技术指标: 检测气体:天然气(LNG)、液化石油气LPG、煤气、烷类、醇、酮、苯、汽油、挥发性液体...
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The life of Kyrgyz people, one of the oldest Turkic clan, who have lived as migrant settlers till the beginning of the 20th century and Kyrgyz poet Tlgn Mameyev's poems will be analyzed as a sample to understand the value and place of the horse to answer these questions, then the ...
Get On The Web Limited some years ago registered for its websites, portals and projects a number of generic domain names (including this one), which are now no longer required. We are offering for sale the domain name GNTL.COM. If you are interested in the acronym GNTL and would like...
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This invention relates to plant GntI sequences, in particular to plant nucleic acid sequences encoding the enzyme N-acetyl glucosaminyl transferase I (GnTI), DNA sequence