The TLD6099-2ES is a dual channel multi-topology DC-DC controller for LED applications with built-in protection features for a compact LED driver. Each channel drives an external NMOS to discharge the output capacitance fast, managing load variations. Typical user cases are switching fro...
TLD6099-2S_S_EVAL is an evaluation board designed as dual-channel LED driver in SEPIC. It can deliver up to 40 W per channel. The two channels are independent. A special path is provided to discharge the output capacitors when an overcurrent is occurring during load transitions. 特征描述 ...
国产游戏原来也有彩蛋 《贪婪洞窟》地图暗室曝光 原本作为一个电影术语,彩蛋本是指那些不仔细寻觅就会被忽略的有趣细节,而在游戏界,彩蛋变成了一种由开发人员预先设置的伏笔和吸引玩家的特殊手法。在小编印象中,彩蛋这一细节大多是国外厂商的最爱,但在生存探险类手游《贪婪洞窟》里,却也有许多这样的小惊喜在等待各位...
The TLD6099-2ES is a dual channel multi-topology DC-DC controller for LED applications with built-in protection features for a compact LED driver. Each channel drives an external NMOS to discharge the output capacitance fast, managing load variations. Typical user cases are switching fr...
那么这些股票就被称为“白菜价”股票,而在我们的生活中,我们同样也会有一些白菜价的东西,因其价格低廉也备受我们的关注。 在中国股市中,曾经就出现一段时间,白菜价股票数量一度高达120多只,而这120多只白菜价股票也让许多投资者看到了投资机会。 而如今,这些白菜价的股票已经降到了20多只了,那么这其中就有非常...