真是爸爸的好大儿 祖传的私房钱一下子全没了 #人间奇趣记录仪 老品种笨胡萝卜你吃过吗?#自家种植 #优质农产品 #记录真实生活 惊!女子在耳廓软骨上打耳洞结果长出“鸡冠耳”。医生提醒:耳洞位置要慎选。#耳洞瘢痕疙瘩 11月25日,20余名境内外网红大V到访我州,挖掘和感受延边的幸福。初审:周婉婷 复审:王京魁...
A bee escsped thom the wte afler moLike most of us, bees get thirsty on hot daysing aroundAfter a long day a the hive (蜂) working foeinunead what they do is pull on the water that'sD. A be beok ts wing whes ryngt gnthe quee they wilfy tothe a neaby ake ontuck on the ...