Table 231 TLC RF Values of some pyridine derivativesdoi:10.1016/S0021-9673(00)93684-7ELSEVIERJournal of Chromatography A
FX=提取-TLC_algal _plant_lipids_pigments___b 1 Extraction and analysis of fat soluble pigments from algal biomass and plant tissues Grade level : High school, Middle school Objectives: To learn about photosynthesis and pigments, their chemical and physical properties and their role in ...
【2017年整理】TLC中展开剂的选择.docx,浅谈TLC中展开剂的选择 摘要:展开剂是平面色谱法中作流动相的液体。展开剂的主要任务是溶解被分离物质在吸附薄层转移分离物质,使各组分的Rf值在0.2~0.8之间,并对被分离物质要有适当的选择性。 HYPERLINK \t _blank 文章综述了薄层
通过此体系确定了单糖的Rf值,可用于快速分析水解多糖的单糖组分。关键 词:多糖;单糖组成;薄层色谱 TLCtoFleetlyAnalyzeMonosaccharideCompositionofPolysaccharide YANJun,GUOXiao-qiang,LIXiao-guang,WUXiao-yong,GOUXiao-jun* (LaboratoryofTraditionalChineseMedicine,ChengduUniversity,Chengdu610106,China) Abstract:ApplyingTLC...
While WR is high, the analog outputs remain at the value corresponding to the data held in their respective latches. Table 2. Function Table CONTROL INPUTS WR A1 A0 OPERATION H X X No operation Device not selected L L L DAC A transparent ↑ L L DAC A latched L L H DAC B ...
Table 3 shows input codes vs attenuation for a 0dB to 15.5dB range. Attenuation dB = − 20 log10 D/256, D = digital input code VDD 17 4 VIA REFA RFBA 3 OUTA 2 DACA A1 DB0 −DB7 TLC7528 CS WR 20 VOB DACA / DACB OUTB DACB A2 REFB AGND RFBB DGND 14 −7 Output 8 ...
A minimum value of 20 Ω should work well for most applications. RF RG RNULL _ Input Output + CLOAD Figure 47. Driving a Capacitive Load Offset Voltage The output offset voltage, (VOO) is the sum of the input offset voltage (VIO) and both input bias currents (IIB) times the ...
Applications listed in Table 1 may be centered on or operated near the particular frequency shown. This information may be of special interest to designers working with these types of applications, or working in other fields likely to encounter RF interference from broad sources, such as the ...
1.) What is the Rf value for component #2? 2.) What is the Rf value for component # 3? 3.) What is the relative retention value for components #1 and # 4, with # 4 being compound x? 4.) Using the answers from questions 1 and 2 and assuming that components 2 and 3 are ...