The 2.5 V reference makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from 5.0 V logic supplies, and since the TL431, A, B operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. Series PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCES SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ? ?
operatesasashuntregulator,itcanbeusedaseitherapositiveor negativevoltagereference.LPSUFFIX PLASTICPACKAGE •ProgrammableOutputVoltageto36VCASE29 •VoltageReferenceTolerance:±0.4%,Typ@25°C(TL431B)(TO–92) •LowDynamicOutputImpedance,0.22ΩTypical1 2 3 •SinkCurrentCapabilityof1.0mAto100mA •Equiva...
TheTL431isa programmable shunt regulator with positive and negative reference voltages. It's a Zenerdiodewith a variable voltage rating determined by thevalue of resistorsattached to the reference pin. It's often utilized in isolatedpower supply circuitsas a low-cost reference voltage supplier. ...
operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. Features • Programmable Output Voltage to 36 V • Voltage Reference Tolerance: ± 0.4%, Typ @ 25 ° C (TL431B) • Low Dynamic Output Impedance, 0.22 Typical • Sink Current Capabi...
operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. Pin 1.Reference 2. Anode 1 2 3 3. Cathode PDIP−8 P SUFFIX CASE 626 Features 8 1 •Programmable OutputVoltage to 36 V Micro8E ...
operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. Features • Programmable Output Voltage to 36 V • Voltage Reference Tolerance: ± 0.4%, Typ @ 25 ° C (TL431B) • Low Dynamic Output Impedance, 0.22 Typical • Sink Current Capabi...
coefficient of the reference voltage, αVREF, is defined as : Where : ΔTA is the recommended operating free-air temperature range of the device. αVREF can be positive or negative, depending on whether minimum VREF or maximum VREF, respectively, occurs at the lower temperature. Exampl...
operatesasashuntregulator,itcanbeusedaseitherapositiveor negativevoltagereference. •ProgrammableOutputVoltageto36V •VoltageReferenceTolerance:±0.4%,Typ@25°C(TL431B) •LowDynamicOutputImpedance,0.22ΩTypical •SinkCurrentCapabilityof1.0mAto100mA •EquivalentFull–RangeTemperatureCoefficientof50ppm/°...
operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. Pin 1. Reference 2. Anode 1 2 3 3. Cathode PDIP−8 P SUFFIX CASE 626 Features 8 1 • Programmable Output Voltage to 36 V Micro8E DM SUFFIX CASE 846A • Voltage...
The 2.5 V reference makes it convenient to obtain a 3 stable reference from 5.0 V logic supplies, and since the TL431, A, B operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. PDIP−8 P SUFFIX Features 8 CASE 626 • Programmable Output ...