等防腐蚀不用于标准零件和受光照的安装部位而是用于汽车室内占多数的图纸上 确定的零件例如带式锁止件Ofl–t350带有保护层的锌涂层不含CrVI黑色1中等 防腐蚀不用于公制ISO–螺纹的螺纹件和受光照安装部位的零件而是用于汽车内室 占多数的图纸上确定的零件例如用于车门护面的固定件以及深螺纹的螺栓Ofl– t630带有含润滑...
大众 TL-233 2010中文版 非电解质涂覆的锌涂层和保护层 表面防护要求 以前的版本 TL 233: 1982-09, 1983-02, 1991-05, 1992-06, 1993-11, 1998-02, 2003-09, 2003-11 更改 相对于TL233:2003-11 版本,已作了如下更改:1、适用范围已更改:最高适用温度改为180°C,新增规范TL 180;2、表1和表2...
(see table 1), a distinction is made between four surface protection types for the coating system as per this standard, which are desig‐ nated with the following codes as per the specifications in Volkswagen standard VW 13750, sec‐ tion "Designation": Ofl-t330 Ofl-t350 Ofl-t630 Ofl-t650...
VOLKSWAGEN AG N o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t ...
3.7.2 对于Ofl-t630 和Ofl-t650 的技术要求 对于螺纹零件,只需对其头部和/或表面及扳手平面进行涂覆。 涂层最小厚度为10μm (其中锌涂层≥3μm) 。 涂层最大厚度为 25μm.如果要具备比基本要求更高的防腐蚀能力,例如弹簧夹箍卡子(详见第 章节),也可以有更高的涂层厚度。 3.8 粘附性和延展性 ...
No.: 50223Descriptors: aluminum flake, base coat, corrosion protection, organic coating, surface protection, t330, t350, t630,t650, top coat, zinc, zinc flakeNon-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with an Organic Top CoatSurface Protection RequirementsPrefaceIn contrast to the surface ...
If, however, the coating is a color coating, this must be specified in the drawing (e.g. Ofl-t630, blue). 3.2 General requirements Approval of first supply and changes according to VW 011 55. Avoidance of hazardous substances according to VW 911 01. Design and process assurance acc. to...