内容提示: TEACHING KNOWLEDGE TEST MODULE 1 Language and background to language learning and teaching SAMPLE PAPER 4 Time 1 hour 20 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer...
首先强烈推荐官方的Handbook(考试手册),是了解考试标准和题型最好的工具,每个模块有1套题目,难度和考试接近,做完之后最好对考点进行分析。 其次,官方的Sample test (样卷)也不错,每个模块1套,难度适中。 另外,教材上每个模块的后面有1套题目,每学完一个模块进行检测。 还有一本小蓝书,TKT全真模拟试题,难度相对比较...
1.需要准备的材料 官方小橘书 这本用官方的就可以 官方sample test 样卷一定要刷好几遍好几遍好几遍...
Samplepaper20 Module328 Syllabus29 Part129 Part229 Samplepaper30 TeachingKnowledgeTesTModules1–3HANDBOOKfOrteAcHers1 AbouTCAMbridGEESol AboutCambridgeESolTofindoutmoreaboutCambridgeEnglishexamsandtheCEFr,goto TKTisdevelopedbyuniversityofCambridgeESolExaminationsCambridgeEnglishTeachingQualifications ...
TKTPracticeTestModule1分析和总结分析和总结.docx,TKT Practice Test Module 1 For questions 1 to 5 match the examples with the grammatical terms listed A-F. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. my, your, our A subject pronouns that, which
(完整word版)TKTPracticeTestModule1TKT Practice Test Module 1 For questions 1 to 5 match the examples with the grammatical terms listed A-F. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. 1my, your, our A subject pronouns 2that, which, who B possessive adjectives 3we, you, ...
IELTS Practice Test Plus 热度: TKTPracticeTestModule1 TKTPracticeTestModule1 Forquestions1to5matchtheexampleswiththegrammaticaltermslisted A-F.Thereisoneextraoptionwhichyoudonotneedtouse.1my,your,our2 that,which,who3we,you,she 4during,after,until ...
TKT,即Teaching Knowledge Test(英语教学能力证书),是专为CEFR等级B1及以上级别的教师设计的全球性认证。通过深入学习,您可以获取丰富的实践知识,并通过严格考试来获得这份备受全球认可的证书。TKT的认证体系涵盖了四个模块:TKT Module 1:深入探讨语言学习及语言教学的背景知识。TKT Module 2:专注于课程计划制定...
TKT Module 1 Practice Test OneTEACHING KNOWLEDGE TEST 001MODULE 1Language and background to language learning and teachingTime 1 hour 20 minutesINSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESDo not open this question paper until you are told to do so.Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer...
TEACHING KNOWLEDGE TEST YOUNG LEARNERS Sample Test Time 1 hour 20 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they a re not already there. Read the instructions for...