b1 = tk.Button(window, text='print selection', width=15, height=2, command=print_selection) b1.pack() #第7步,创建Listbox并为其添加内容 var2 = tk.StringVar() var2.set((1,2,3,4)) # 为变量var2设置值 # 创建Listbox lb = tk.Listbox(window, listvariable=var2) #将var2的值赋给...
User input for single line of text. ( for multi line user input use Text) t1=tk.Entry(parent_window,attributes)parent_window : Declared Parent window attributes : Various attributes can be added, list is given below. import tkinter as tk my_w = tk.Tk() my_w.geometry("250x150") my...
上面代码中第12~13行代码使用 from_、to、increment 选项创建了 Spinbox 组件;第17~19代码使用 values 选项创建了 Spinbox 组件,并为该组件的 command 选项指定了事件处理方法,在点击 Spinbox 组件的上下箭头调整值时,该选项指定的事件处理方法就会被触发;第24~27行代码在创建 Spinbox 时使用 textvariable 选项绑...
import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.geometry('600x400+200+200') root.title('Listbox ...
TkinterEntrywidget lets the user enter a single line of text that has only one font type. If more lines are required, you should use TkinterTextwidget.Entrywidget could also be used to display the single-line text. Tkinter Entry Example ...
Combobox:组合框 4、容器类组件: Frame:框架组件。用于将相关的组件放置在一起,以便于管理 LabelFrame:标签框架组件。将相关组件放置在一起,并给它们一个特定的名称 Toplevel:顶层窗口。重新打开一个新窗口,该窗口显示在根窗口的上方 PanelWindow:窗口布局管理。通过该组件可以手动修改其子组件的大小 ...
Entry:It is used to input the single line text entry from the user.. For multi-line text input, Text widget is used. The general syntax is: ```py w=Entry(master, option=value) ``` master 是用于表示父窗口的参数。有许多选项用于更改小部件的格式。选项的数量可以作为参数传递,用逗号分隔。
#Read single-line text name ="Name : "+name_val.get()+"\n" #Read the selected radio button value ifgender.get()==1: g ="Male" else: g ="Female" g ="Gender : "+ g +"\n" #Read the selected checkbox values game ="" ...
multiple line entry boxes are also calledtextarea. Code: from tkinter import * ws = Tk() ws.geometry("400x250") text_area = Text(ws, height=10, width=30).pack() ws.mainloop() Output: Entry box is single lined but in this example the white space is entry line. It can take multi...
If the second argument is omitted, the single line with index first is deleted. 4 get ( first, last=None ) Returns a tuple containing the text of the lines with indices from first to last, inclusive. If the second argument is omitted, returns the text of the line closest to first. 5...