原因:Python不认识这些控件是哪里来的,我们必须指明tkinter.button 代码演示 import tkinter top = tkinter.Tk() top.title("My first Tkinter program") label1=tkinter.Label(top,text='Hello tkinter !') label1.pack() # 进入消息循环 top.mainloop() 效果:...
Whenever we write any program in Python to control the hardw are, Python willshow the output with the help of operating system. 每当我们用 Python 编写任何程序来控制硬盘时,Python 都会在操作系统的帮助下显示输出结果; However, if we desire to make an executable with the help of GUI, then just...
window.title('Text to xlsx program') #Title of the window window.geometry('600x400') #Window size setting tk.Label(window, text='File name').place(x=150, y=130) # a text label and its name and position tk.Label(window, text='Please enter filename in the box, then click "OK"'...
to handle the functional button click event, we can add a command argument while creating the button widget. By adding this `command` argument, we can specify the program on how to react after the functional button click occurs. We can ...
pack的逻辑比较简单,也可以使用更复杂的函数,place()和grid(),前者可以按照坐标安排组件,后者按照网格安排。 具体可参考:Python TKinter 布局管理 (Pack Place Grid) 当点击“会”或“不会”按钮时,触发的函数是self.yes_command和self.no_command,定义如下: ...
Language=['Language','Program'] L=[['Chinese','English','Japanese'],['Python','PHP','CPP','C','Java','JavaScript','VBScript']] for i in range(len(Language)): filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) #将menubar的menu属性指定为filemenu,即filemenu为menubar的下拉菜单 ...
Tkinter 是 Python 的标准 GUI 库。Python 使用 Tkinter 可以快速的创建 GUI 应用程序。可以在IDLE或Pycharm中编写和测试Tkinter代码。 Tkinter的全称是Tk Interface。 其中Tk是开发桌面应用的GUI工具库,它是Tcl的标准GUI,而Tcl全称Tool Command Language,是一种动态编程语言,可用于桌面应用开发。关于Tk和Tcl,可以在ht...
Python Tkinter Mainloop Timer Mainloop plays an important role in Python Tkinter as it displays updated information on the screen. Timer is a time-related program that we can create using Mainloop in Python Tkinter. We have a dedicated section in which we have createdCountdown Timer using Python...
Oh and as suggested in another reply, I would avoid Anaconda. It seems there might be some issues there, when it comes to CustomTkinter. Install customtkinter: Install packaging: And then you should be able to use customtkinter by importing it into your program like other packages. ...
1.Python 2.Tkinter 3.Building an application Part 2 Displays 4.Tkinter widgets 5.Screen layout 6.Events, bindings and callbacks 7.Using classes, composites and special widgets 8.Dialogs and forms 9.Panels and machines 10.Drawing blobs and rubber lines ...