Python - Photoimage is not working in tkinter. Gives, from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk win = Tk() colorful=PhotoImage(file='image/1.png') _tkinter.TclError: couldn't recognize data in image file "image/1.png" file path is correct, from . Stack Ove...
File "/Users/fengqingyu/Documents/appDevMaster/emc_ecoevalt/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ttkbootstrap/", line 231, ininit self._icon = tkinter.PhotoImage(master=self, data=Icon.icon) File "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/pyth...
我们使用了一个属性来保留对我们的PhotoImage实例的引用,即使我们在__init__方法之外没有使用它。原因是图像在垃圾收集时会被清除,如果我们将其声明为局部变量并且方法存在,则会发生这种情况。 为了避免这种情况,始终记住在窗口仍然存在时保留对每个PhotoImage对象的引用。 创建文本输入框 Entry 小部件表示以单行显示的文...
bard ="bardejov.jpg") bardejov = ImageTk.PhotoImage(bard) 1. 2. We create an image object and a photo image object from an image in the current working directory. 我们从当前工作目录下的一个图像创建了一个 Image 对象和一个 ImageTk 对象 label1 = Label(self, image=bardejov) ...
self.FORTRESS = ImageTk.PhotoImage("img/fort.png"))###Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.init_ui() self.update_ui() self.update_menu() 开发者ID:udiboy1209,项目名称:Blitzkrieg,代码行数:25,代码来源 示例3: __init__ ▲...
本文主要介绍几个比较实用的例子。先载入一些包: fromtkinterimportTk,ttk,PhotoImagefromtkinterimportMenu,StringVar,filedialog,,Listbox 1 可绑定“动作”的按钮 绑定按钮,令其输出欢迎信息: classApp(Tk):def__init__(self):super().__init__()# 创建带命令的按钮self.btn=ttk.Button(self,text="点我!"...
dwnd = PhotoImage(file='download.png') Button(ws, image=dwnd, command=None).pack(pady=10) ws.mainloop() The Download button image is applied to the button widget. It is clickable which means it is a button. But this has a button background. To remove the button border set border wid...
We create anImagefrom the image file in the current working directory. tatras = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img) We create a photo image from the image. label = Label(self, image=tatras) The photoimage is given to theimageparameter of the label widget. ...
PhotoImage(image) image_view = tk.Label(root, image=image_tk), y=8) # root.mainloop() PythonのGUIツールtkinterチートシート - Qiita テキスト入力(1行)entry = tk.Entry(root, width=10) entry.insert(tk.END, 'Hello') # 初期値 print(entry.get()) # 'Hello'...
self.tkImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self.lblImage = Label(image=self.tkImage) self.lblImage.bind('<Button-1>', self.displayInfos) self.lblImage.bind('<Button-3>', self.lblImage.image = self.tkImage self.lblImage.pack() ...