EasyWebcamCamera 使用您的网络摄像头拍摄照片。 使用 python、opencv 和 tkinter 为您的网络摄像头提供类似应用程序的相机捕获实用程序。 需要python 2.7 版(带有 tkinter 和 PIL/PILLOW)和 opencv.2.4.10点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
我尝试使用带有opencv的UVC摄像头进行实时检测,类似于中的示例,我发现了一个问题,opencv需要CameraBridgeViewBase类来与摄像头交互。我尝试使用setCameraIndex设置UVC摄像头,但似乎找不到uvc cam的相机索引时,我设置为0和1,应用程序正常工作与我的手机前置摄像头和后置摄像头(银河S3) 我尝试过其他库(最近的)来建立与凸...
OpenCV always uses BGR internally. Consider renaming this option and clarifying the description. Suggested change text="Fix Blueish Cam\n(force cv2 to use RGB instead of BGR)", text="Correct Color Balance\n(Convert BGR to RGB for display)", 👍 1 👎 1 modules/ui.py target_label....
tkVideoUtils is a Python module for playing and recording videos in GUIs created with tkinter. Using imageio-ffmpeg, webcams can be indexed and streamed in a tkinter Label. They can also be recorded (in their original resolution) by calling thestart_recording()function! This project was heav...
Even more impressive is that these 4 lines of code work with the tkinter, Qt, and Web ports. You can display your webcam, in realtime, in a browser using the same code that displays the image using tkinter.Media playback, audio and video, can also be achieved using the VLC player. ...
You can display your webcam, in realtime, in a browser using the same code that displays the image using tkinter.Media playback, audio and video, can also be achieved using the VLC player. A demo application is provided to you so that you have a working example to start from. Every...
You can display your webcam, in realtime, in a browser using the same code that displays the image using tkinter.Media playback, audio and video, can also be achieved using the VLC player. A demo application is provided to you so that you have a working example to start from. Every...