Combobox widget is part of ttk ( What is ttk ? ) , so we have to import ttk otherwise we will get this error. AttributeError: module 'tkinter' has no attribute 'Combobox'Tkinter Combobox to select Option or add data by user & reading adding and setting default options...
在函数clearvalues():中,您将遍历comblist变量,而不是您创建的实际组合框。这就是"AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'set'"被返回的原因。您正在遍历列表中的字符串。 不建议通过迭代创建Combobox,因为以后访问它们是困难的。我建议创建5个单独的ComboBox,并从那里开始。 编辑:只是为了让你更清楚...
标签和按钮窗口主体框架每一个tkinter应用的主体框架都可以包含下面这部分,定义window窗口和window的一些属性,然后书写窗口内容...# 标签长宽 l.pack() # 固定窗口位置运行结果如图所示: ?...接着定义一个弹窗,在运行时出现错误 AttributeError: module 'tkinter' has no attribute 'messagebox' 试着加入import则可...
AttributeError: 'NoteBook' object has no attribute 'setnaturalpagesize' 把setnaturalpagesize 修改为setnaturalsize 这个函数可以自动调节Notebook的大小,而且应该放在代码的末尾处 3.16窗格控件(Pmw.PanedWidget) 这个效果也是有点奇葩 from tkinter import * import Pmw root = Tk() paned = Pmw.PanedWidget(...
self.combobox_text_var.set('') 开发者ID:araith,项目名称:pyDEA,代码行数:20,代码来源 示例10: change_state_if_needed ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: import tkinter [as 别名]# 或者: from tkinter importDISABLED[as 别名]defchange_state_if_needed(self, entry, entry_state, row,...
这是googletrans中的一个bug。你可以找到它的description on GitHub。目前,你必须安装该模块的未来版本...
Thats a mistake in the documentation, the optionmenu has no attribute border_width. I decided not to have it, because with a border, the optionemnu would look the same as a combobox and you couldn't distinguish between them... Author avalon60 commented Oct 2, 2022 • edited Ah......
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get' 这里说字符串对象没有get方法,经过一番操作后,把代码改成 dic_op={'-a':["A1","A2","A3"],'-b':["B1","B2","B3"],'-c':["C1","C2","C3"]}i=0CHANGE=dict()fork,Valueindic_op.items():tk.Label(window,text=k).grid(row=4...
tkinter是python的标准GUI库,用于创建可视界面。 一个人最简单的例子: #导入库fromtkinterimport*#初始化root =Tk()#用到再解释root.mainloop() 也可以设置窗口的标题和属性 fromtkinterimport*root=Tk() root.title('hello')#读取配置文件root.option_readfile('optionDB')#Label用于显示文字的标签控件,pack显示...
l_TipUnknown=Unknown Attribute l_TipHasNoControl=Has no control on Form, please add at least one control on it. l_TipTooltip=The tooltip text of the widget. l_DescButton=Button widget. l_DescCanvas=Canvas widget. l_DescCheckbutton=Checkbutton widget. l_DescCombobox=Combobox widget...