In this output,getis used to compare the value and then change the button state & text accordingly. As you can see if thecheckboxis checked then button isNormal& have text ‘Awake‘ whereas whencheckbuttonis unchecked then button state isdisabled& text says ‘Sleeping!’ Tkinter Checkbutton get...
(label="Save") file_menu.add_separator() # 创建一个复选按钮变量 checkbox_var = tk.IntVar(value=1) # 设置默认值为1,表示默认选中 # 添加一个带有复选按钮的菜单项 file_menu.add_checkbutton(label="Enable Feature", variable=checkbox_var) root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__...
classNewCBtn(Checkbutton):def__init__(self, master,*args, **kw): self.value=IntVar()ifnotkw:kw={'variable':self.value}else:kw.update({'variable':self.value}) Checkbutton.__init__(self,master,*args,**kw)defchecked(self,value=None):ifvalueisnotNone: self.value.set(valueand1or0)re...
用于判断复选框状态 box_1 = False box_2 = False # 列表,用于存放选中内容 List_Content = [] ...
Initially, the title is shown in the titlebar. So at the start, we make it checked with theselect()method. if self.var.get() == True: self.master.title("Checkbutton") else: self.master.title("") Inside theonClick()method, we display or hide the title based on the value from the...
Checkbutton(search_toplevel, text='IgnoreCase', variable=ignore_case_value).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='e', padx=2, pady=2) Button(search_toplevel, text="Find All", underline=0, command=lambda: search_output(search_entry_widget.get( ...
要将布尔变量连接到Checkbutton条目,我们首先定义BooleanVar,然后使用variable选项调用add_checkbutton创建条目。 请记住,onvalue和offvalue选项应与 Tkinter 变量的类型匹配,就像我们在常规 RadioButton 和 CheckButton 小部件中所做的那样: self.checked = tk.BooleanVar() ...
side=TOP) self.cb = ttk.Checkbutton(color_group, text="是否自动转换", variable=self.cbvar...
Checkbutton(search_toplevel, text='IgnoreCase',variable=ignore_case_value).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='e', padx=2, pady=2) Button(search_toplevel, text="Find All", underline=0, command=lambda: search_output( search_entry_widget.get(), ignore_case_value.get(), content_text, search...
ReadPython Tkinter Checkbutton – How to use Python Tkinter Entry Validate Integer In this section, we will coverPython Tkinter Entry Validate Integer. We will learn to check validations for numbers Python Tkinter Entry Validate Integer can be seen in Age and phone number inputs. As these can’...