In this Tkinter tutorial we will explore how to change the default window Icon. Often when building custom software, you need to change the default icon to something more meaningful, like a logo for your company or software. (Also because the default one makes your software look like it was...
import tkinter as tk # 使用Tkinter前需要先导入 # 第1步,实例化object,建立窗口window window = tk.Tk() # 第2步,给窗口的可视化起名字 window.title('My Window') # 第3步,设定窗口的大小(长 * 宽) window.geometry('500x300') # 这里的乘是小x # 第4步,在图形界面上设定标签 l = tk.Label(...
set icon ("wm", "iconphoto", self._w, tkinter.PhotoImage(file="test_images/CustomTkinter_logo_single.png"))) add option to change label position for checkbox, switch, radiobutton #628 [5.2.0] - 2022-05-02 Added Mostly bug fixes [5.1.0] - 2022-05-02 Added Added CTkScr...
#window.iconbitmap('./logo.ico') # 设置窗体图标 #window.withdraw() # 隐藏窗口 #window.deiconify() # 显示窗口 window.mainloop() # 调用mainloop方法,使窗体一直执行下去 以上代码执行结果如下图: 那么在tkinter中又有哪些控件可以供我们使用呢?
def change_one(): label1['bg']='yellow' label1['text']='您已成功更改标签文本' button1=tk.Button(window_one,text='请点击',command=change_one) window_one.iconbitmap('D:\pictures\~1aab00c000000.ico') label1.pack() button1.pack() ...
change_appearance_mode_event(self, new_appearance_mode: str): customtkinter.set_appearance_mode(new_appearance_mode) def change_scaling_event(self, new_scaling: str): new_scaling_float = int(new_scaling.replace("%", "")) / 100 customtkinter.set_widget_scaling(new_scaling_float) ...
class Alarm(Frame): def init(self, msecs=1000): # default = 1 second Frame.init(self) self.msecs = msecs self.pack() stopper = Button(self, text='Stop the beeps!', command=self.quit) stopper.pack() stopper.config(bg='navy', fg='white', bd=8) self.stopper = sto...
2.Write a Python GUI program to import Tkinter package and create a window. Set its title and add a label to the window. Click me to see the sample solution 3.Write a Python GUI program to create a label and change the label font style (font name, bold, size) using tkinter module....
def on_captcha_service_change(self, value): logger.debug(f"Captcha service updated to: {value}") def create_widgets(self): self.root.configure(bg="#F1F3FF") self.main_frame = ctk.CTkFrame(self.root, fg_color="#F1F3FF") ...