The following keywords are valid: | activeBackground, foreground, selectColor, | activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground, | background, highlightColor, selectForeground, | disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor. | | tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None) | Set Tcl internal ...
self._t3_hov_img=ImageTk.PhotoImage(self._t3_hov_load)# flagsself.o_flag=Falseself.o_m=Falseself._colors={'bg': '#ffffff','working_bg': '#34495E','menu_bg': '#2C3E50','button_hoover': '#E81123','button_activebg': '#262626','button_activefg': '#262626','button_fg': ...
Getting to Know Window Configurations In Tkinter, a window configuration is either a setting or an attribute that you can use to specify a property of that window. These properties may include the window's width, height, position, transparency, title bar, background color, and more. These con...
(69,1), key='out', background_color="#eeeeee", enable_events=True) ], [ sg.Button("Quit") ] ] window = sg.Window("Bug Example").Layout(layout) display = window.FindElement('display') in_element = window.FindElement('in') out_element = window.FindElement('out') file_text =...
| | A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk | widget elements are derived from this. | Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated | colors can be given. The following keywords are valid: | activeBackground, foreground, selectColor, | activeForeground, high...
('odd',)) Then, for instance, a background color can be associated to the tags: tree.tag_configure('odd', background='#E8E8E8') tree.tag_configure('even', background='#DFDFDF') The result is a treeview with modified fonts on both the body and headings, no border and different ...
label=tk.Label(text="Hello, Tkinter",foreground="white",# Set the text color to whitebackground="black"# Set the background color to black) 可以通过设置进行调整,以下有多种颜色可以供选择: "red" "orange" "yellow" "green" "blue"
本文主要介绍几个比较实用的例子。先载入一些包: fromtkinterimportTk,ttk,PhotoImagefromtkinterimportMenu,StringVar,filedialog,,Listbox 1 可绑定“动作”的按钮 绑定按钮,令其输出欢迎信息: classApp(Tk):def__init__(self):super().__init__()# 创建带命令的按钮self.btn=ttk.Button(self,text="点我!"...
我们还提供了一个 PDF 文件,其中包含本书中使用的屏幕截图/图表的彩色图像。您可以在这里下载。 使用的约定 本书中使用了许多文本约定。 CodeInText:表示文本中的代码词,数据库表名,文件夹名,文件名,文件扩展...