command2() command3() root = tk.Tk() button = tk.Button(root, text="多个命令按钮", command=multiple_commands) button.pack() root.mainloop() 在上述代码中,我们定义了三个命令函数command1()、command2()和command3(),然后创建了一个新的函数multiple_commands(),该函数内部依次调用了这三个命...
创建按钮:使用Tkinter的Button()函数创建一个按钮对象,并将其放置在主窗口中。 代码语言:txt 复制 button = Button(root, text="调用命令", command=your_function) button.pack() 其中,text参数用于设置按钮上显示的文本,command参数用于指定按钮被点击时要执行的函数。 定义函数:在按钮被点击时要执行的函数中...
Tkinter Query window to execute SQL commands SELECT UPDATE DROP with WHERE to le Tkinter rowconfigure & columnconfigure to assign relative weight to rows and col Tkinter scale to manage the alpha value of the parent window attribute to make i Tkinter Scale to set and get value by moving slider...
button = Button(root, text='Start', width=25, command=lambda: csv_write(label)) button1 = Button(root, text='Stop', width=25, command=lambda: stop()) button1.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=10) button.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=10)
(4) Tkinter button commands with lambda in Python - Online Tutorials Library. (5) commands in tkinter when to use lambda and callbacks.
():23#make menu button24Command_button = Menubutton(mBar, text='Simple Button Commands',25underline=0)26Command_button.pack(side=LEFT, padx="2m")2728#make the pulldown part of the File menu. The parameter passed is the master.29#we attach it to the button as a python attribute ...
#Set images and commands for buttons : rockHandButton = Button(root,image = rockHandPhoto, command=lambda:youPick("Rock")) paperHandButton = Button(root,image = paperHandPhoto, command=lambda:youPick("Paper")) scissorHandButton = Button(root,image = scissorHandPhoto, command=lambda:youPick...
2.4按钮(Button) 严格来说,按钮是对鼠标和键盘事件起反应的标签。当按钮被点击的时候,可以为其绑定一个回调函数 fromtkinterimport*classGUI:def__init__(self): self.root=Tk() self.root.title("Button Style")forbdwinrange(5): setattr(self,"of%d"% bdw, Frame(self.root, borderwidth=0)) ...