关键词——肠道健康说起健康,人们似乎更关心脑,肝,肾,心等脏器的情况,却把肠归类为不影响大局的日常小问题.殊不知,肠道健康不仅与女性的体重,容貌密切相关,甚至还关乎生命. 每天都排便,肠道内就没有宿便了? 你是否曾经有这样的体验:每次排泄都有排不净之感,一天上好几次卫生间,但每次都排不多或者排一次非常...
However, the resurgence in larger-ticket deals is having an adverse effect on smaller transactions. Big investment banks have spent the past few years chasing small companies to do deals. Now that marquee deals are pushing fees to previous highs, small clients are beginning to complain that they...