3A TOYS SHOWA TK TROOPER 昭和TK部队 V2 6色可选,拆盒网预订链接:¥wp3tfvGgwy¥http://t.cn/RI5eZLI
比例: 1:6截单日期: 2016年12月16日参考售价:1380~1780元 (200~260美元)立即订购>> 全高: -预计到货: 2017年6月 3A TOYS SHŌWA TK TROOPER V2 昭和TK部队V2, Arid Patrol荒漠巡逻兵/Black Sun Commando黑阳突击队/Silver Comander银色指挥官,官方定价240美元; ...
孤星TK Lonely Trooper TK 只看楼主 收藏 回复luciferbeck 痴迷经典 11 芬克斯 狂收老物 12 帅!熟悉的色调! boyouzx 痴迷经典 11 同九教,汝何秀? vosilove 痴迷经典 11 真心高端了 第六方 狂收老物 12 太帅了吧,这谁受得了啊 360爆炸啦 爱上鼻子 9 帅帅帅! Talon87 爱上...
外包使用了简单的纯白盒子包装,仅在正面有着SHOWA TK TROOPER等等品名字样和一幅夸张的封绘,另外有条黑色腰封写着荒漠巡逻兵(ARID PATROL)。 打开外包外包,内部采用封塑包装,内件包括主体、背包、腰包、肩布、替换手、手雷、枪、刀,相当丰富。 主体本身粗看起来非常像沙漠冲锋队了,鬼面似的的头盔、覆盖全身的沙色...
He Was been voted Midwest Garrison Trooper of the Month For July 04', July 06' And Feb 07' And also voted 501st Legion Trooper of the month for Jan 07' TK118 gets a Shout out on the 501st Podcast #4 Listed at about the 43:30 min mark. ... ...
Sand Trooper TK421: Why Aren't You at Your Post? (2010) Shaun A. Cranford Darth Vader TK421: Why Aren't You at Your Post? (2010) Meggie Maddock TK421 The Inner Room (2011) Jim Mast Bounty Hunter TK421: Why Aren't You at Your Post? (2010) Ethan E. Moore Jawa ...
06 【Blender】Robotrooper Pistol 00:06 【Blender】Fuzil Tático M4 00:06 【Blender】Magnum Modern Revolver 00:06 【Blender】FN PS90 00:06 【Blender】Tactics Flintlock Pistol 00:06 【Blender】Steyr TMP 00:06 【Blender】FNX-45 TACTICAL 00:06 【Blender】M4A1 Carbine 00:06 【Blender】AK - ...
The Gray Man (2022) Unreal Engine Generalist $200MM $454K Dune Sea Special (2021) (Short) - Director, Performance Capture, Writer Smirk 516 (2020) (Short) - Director, Editor, Producer, Writer $5K Calling (2020) (Short) - Producer The 5G Sith Jet Trooper Experience (20...
I've been reworking a few molds, and the first one is the thermal detonator control panel. My old mold just did not hold up well, and I had been getting a few requests to make it available in a format that could be used for a sandtrooper back pack part. So, now, I have a new...
For trooper armor you will need between .060 and .080 white. No texture. This material will have to be gloss coated to get that shiny appearance. A harder to form material called ABS is used by some to create a really glossy trooper. Finding that glossy color is difficult. I'm mainly...