更新1.6.1130后就不生效了,有人遇到吗?还有更改热键的网站也不见了,换成其他网址了 送TA礼物 1楼2023-12-09 00:42回复 贴吧用户_0eyGVN9 艾达龙灵 6 基于SKSE的mod SKSE版本更改之后失效不是很正常的事吗 一年后你再下 TK DODGE RRE就好了 2楼2023-12-09 00:44 收起回复 登录...
关于TK Dodge..旧的TK翻滚有MCM菜单,可以在那里修改按键;但TK翻滚RE没有MCM菜单,还能修改按键吗,拔出武器想按ALT冲锋,要先滚一下才能冲锋,感觉好奇怪
装了tk dodge..装了tk dodge re后格挡延迟怎么回事,怎么解决吧大佬们重击时无法立即格挡,而是等着重击动作完成后才有格挡动作难受,求求了大佬们有没有懂的卧槽,解决了,翻译的锅导致我搞错了选项
关于TK Dodge RE 只能原地翻滚 只看楼主收藏回复 重生19951125 沼泽神木 5 RT 有大佬装过这mod吗? 是哪里出问题了吗? 送TA礼物 1楼2021-11-04 12:47回复 阳阳不是羊羊 光界逸神 12 同求,我也遇到了,求大佬 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-11-12 00:43 回复 ...
Please notice that the step dodge will not work without Nemesis.Configure the INI Settings:Open "Data\SKSE\Plugins\TK Dodge RE.ini" file to configure the mod settings before enter the game: DodgeHotkey: Map the Hotkey that perform dodge, go to this site to check the corresponding key code...
but how do you dodge when you are not in combat? as far as I know only the DMCO has this feature. JohannMello1 supporter 4 kudos 20 October 2024, 6:01AM You can dodge outside combat with Tk dodge RE too lordtabaro member 1 kudos 01 October 2024, 9:45PM Is there a ...
Bill Moyers, for example, reminded me of this with his reporting on the Dodge Poetry Festival in 2009. Often, when poetry connects for me, it is about experiencing a moment: something I know or something I am seeking or something new to me. A trip to NC Last month, a family member’...
5.The Jolbon Subterranean is pretty much the underground of Jolbon ruins, but it has some very narrow corridors where you have to dodge Teal Gangshi and Dark Gangshi, while avoiding to step on the dirty sewage that runs under the city. Open the mini-map as soon as you enter the ...
vcpkg.json313 Bytes 一键复制编辑原始数据按行查看历史 max-su-2019提交于3年前.Update PowerShell Scripts 12345678910111213 { "name":"TK-Dodge-RE", "version-string":"0.4.82", "description":"", "license":"MIT", "dependencies":[ "spdlog" ...
the less time they have to work on content. If to create a new form of dragon involves a modeller working for six months to create the 100,000 polygon form, you're clearly not going to have a great many of them. But if it's a tiny sprite - or even just a letter - and just ...