fromtkinterimportTk,Canvas,PhotoImage# 创建Tk窗口root=Tk()root.title("添加文本到图片")# 创建Canvas部件canvas=Canvas(root,width=500,height=400)canvas.pack()# 加载图片image=PhotoImage(file="image.png")canvas.create_image(0,0,anchor="nw",image=image)# 添加文本text="Hello, World!"canvas.create...
Create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,dash=(4,4), fill='blue') -- 直线, 虚线(指定dash) Create_rectangle() -- 矩形,添加对角坐标 Create_oval() -- 椭圆,使用的是长方形的坐标绘制的,正方形坐标时就是圆形 Create_text(x,y, text='F') --字体中心点坐标 create_arc(bbox, **options) -- 根据 bbox...
2 选择第一个,python项目。3 选择好项目保存路径和解释器路径之后,我们点击Create创建。4 右键左边的项目,选择New -> Python File 5 然后输入文件名点击OK即可。例如小编这里就叫Tk-HelloWorld 6 创建完成之后,输入代码,如下:import Tkinterwin = Tkinter.Tk()Tkinter.Label(win,text = "Hello World!").pack...
canvas.create_text( CANVAS_CENTER_X, CANVAS_CENTER_Y, text=HEART_CENTER_TEXT, fill=HEART_CENTER_TEXT_COLOR, font=('楷体',48,'bold')# 在这里改字体 ) render_canvas_dict[frame_index] = canvas else: render_canvas_dict[frame_index].pack() ...
draw_text("文本内容", (50, 112), 24, 'Red') # 创建一个框架 frame = simplegui.create_...
def create_window(): window = tk.Toplevel(root) label = tk.Label(window, text="New Window") label.pack() root = tk.Tk() button = tk.Button(root, text="Create window", command=create_window) button.pack() root.mainloop()
19. 使用 `tkinter.Text` 创建一个用于显示图书的文本框,并设置其高度和宽度,再使用 `pack()` 放置在 `display_frame` 框架中。 20. 创建 "显示所有图书" 按钮,并设置绑定的命令以及放置在 `display_frame` 框架中。 21. 使用 `root.mainloop()` 开启主事件循环,显示图书管理器界面,并等待用户交互。
This library uses the MIT license. In plain words, this means that you can reuse it in both opensource and proprietary projects; the only requirement is that you keep the license text with each source file, where it already is. This is for my protection: the license text basically says th...
However, all-atom forcefields used by these methods give rise to complex and rugged energy landscapes, which often create substantial difficulties in locating meaningful minima. This task can be facilitated if seed conformations are obtained within convergence radii of these minima. Recent studies have...