> This code generates the error "couldn't recognize image data at > C:/Perl/site/lib/Tk/Image.pm line 21." in the call to $main->Photo. > If I create a temp file with $image->write() and read it in using the > $main->Photo(-file=>'...') syntax, it works fine. > >...
已解决:_tkinter.TcLError: couldn’t recognize data in image file “Imagenakamuraan.gif” 该错误提示无法识别图片文件中的数据。二、可能出错的原因导致此错误的原因可能有多种,包括但不限于以下几种:图片文件损坏:如果图片文件本身损坏或格式不正确,Tkinter将无法正确加载。...以下是修正后的代码示例,展示如何...
1.直接使用PhotoImage(file= ‘xxxx’)报错:_tkinter.TclError: couldn’t recognize data in image file “xxxxx.png” 原因:PhotoImage支持的图片格式有限。 解决办法:使用PILLOW库的ImageTk 1.如果没有安装PILLOW插件,请安装插件,使用 “pip install PILLOW”命令安装即可 2.生成PhotoImage对象: 代码: fromPILimpo...
已解决:_tkinter.TcLError: couldn’t recognize data in image file “Image/nakamuraan.gif” 01 tkinter学习系列(四)之Butto 目录目录前言 (一)基本用法和可选属性 ==1.基本用法== ==2.可选属性== (二)属性的具体实现和案例 ==1.常用属性== ==案例一== ==2.按钮里的图片== ==案例二== ==案...
While Tkinter usually chooses a widget pathname for us, we've had to explicitly provide one with the namesystem; this is the cue that Tk needs to recognize it as the system menu. $m add cascade -menu [menu $m.system] The pathname of the menu widget must be.system. ...
One very cool thing we can do is define event bindings on tags. That allows us to easily do things like recognize mouse clicks on particular ranges of text and popup a menu or dialog in response. Different tags can have different bindings. This saves the hassle of sorting out questions lik...
This opens a very sweet attack spot for attackers who recognize what input makes the process crash and repeatedly send the same request. There's no instant remedy for this but a few techniques can mitigate the pain: Alert with critical severity anytime a process crashes due to an unhandled ...
Alternatively, you can pass a larger value for the lockDuration setting (with the tradeoff being that it will take longer to recognize a real stalled job). As such, you should always listen for the stalled event and log this to your error monitoring system, as this means your jobs are ...
This tutorial will help you quickly get up to speed and build mainstream desktop graphical user interfaces with Tk, in particular, Tk 8.5 and 8.6. Tk 8.5 was a milestone release. It marked a significant departure from older versions of Tk that most people know and love recognize. The downsid...