With a tuner that brings clarity to many of the weakest stations, the Model One radio features a handmade wood cabinet that is both beautiful and the ideal acoustically inert housing. Want wireless streaming also? Check out the Model One BT.
现在不同于过去只能收听国内的电台,手机可以免费下载Tivoli Internet Radio APP,可以畅听众多精选国际电台。 M1BT的调频按钮在带来复古感的同时给你舒适的操作体验。M1BT正面左侧是3英寸全频长冲程单元、中间上部是音量旋钮、中间下部是开关/AM/FM/AUX切换旋钮、右侧是5:1阻尼调频旋钮,旋钮外围是AM/FM刻度。音量旋钮...
现在不同于过去只能收听国内的电台,手机可以免费下载Tivoli Internet Radio APP,可以畅听众多精选国际电台。 M1BT的调频按钮在带来复古感的同时给你舒适的操作体验。M1BT正面左侧是3英寸全频长冲程单元、中间上部是音量旋钮、中间下部是开关/AM/FM/AUX切换旋钮、右侧是5:1阻尼调频旋钮,旋钮外围是AM/FM刻度。音量旋钮...
Imagine the ideal radio.With a tuner that brings clarity to many of the weakest stations and Bluetooth, the Model One radio begins with a handmade wood cabinet that is both beautiful and the ideal acoustically inert housing. With just three knobs, it is
Tivoli Audio 第一代产品Model One FM/AM Radio在欧美市场创下数百万台销售记录,随后品牌陆续推出“收音机+音箱”系列,打造出多款复古与现代的融合的经典台式音响。 凭借优秀的声音和外观设计,Tivoli Audio的产品成为丽思卡尔顿酒店、W酒店、宝格丽、四季酒店等知名高奢酒店的客房指定床头音箱。Tivoli Audio是美国...
Tivoli Model One Digital radio hands-on review: Small changes, big difference While the Model One Digital can be used alone, and this will likely be the most common use case, it’s not the only one. Using the free Tivoli Wireless app, you can pair it with other Art by Tivoli speakers...
Tivoli Model One Digital Review: The classic table-top radio gets updated for the streaming ageRene Chun
Tivoli Audio有三款App。 其中一款——「Tivoli Internet Radio」。通过蓝牙连接Model One BT之后,进入APP,点击界面上的预设分类,进入单个分类之后会有一屏的预设电台就,点击任意一个能立刻收听这个电台咯。 有蓝牙在,通过蓝牙播放播放器的音乐自然是必备功能。
Tivoli Audio - Model One Digital (Gen.2) The Model One Digital Generation 2 is primarily a wi-fi radio, with DAB+/FM in command and Chromecast, AirPlay 2, and Bluetooth connectivity as valuable passengers. Aside from that, it's one of the best speakers for streaming music fans. The Ti...