including without limitation evidence of the Sellers having taken all steps required to be taken by them prior to or at Closing under Article VI and Article VII hereof, including evidence of having obtained directors and officers liability insurance with the coverage described therein and paid the ...
(iii) The registered agent of any entity required in a filed document. (iv) The number of authorized shares and designation of each class or series of shares. (v) The effective date of a filed document. (vi) Any required statement in a filed document of the date on which the ...
The ESEA authorizes (in Title VI-A- 1) annual grants to the states to help pay the costs of meeting the Title I-A standard and assessment requirements. These grants may be used by states for development of standards and assessments or, if these have been developed, for assessment ...
“StarkI,II”Self-ReferralLaw/LimitationsonCertainPhysician Referrals;FederalCivilFalseClaimsAct;TitleVIoftheCivilRightsActof1964;HealthInsurancePortability& AccountabilityActof1996(HIPAA);;EmergencyMedicalTreatmentandActiveLaborAct(EMTALA);Federal SentencingGuidelines;FederalDeficitReductionActof2005;PatientProtection...
The article focuses on increasing incidences of art theft in Venice, Italy. It reports that several panel paintings by painters Giovanni Bellini and Bartolomeo Vivarini were stolen from Church of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo in Venice last week. Chief of the Italy's delegation f...