In this paper the author focuses on the analysis of the special meaning of allocation according to factors that is given bypossessory titleto factors and enterprises' possessory tide to property.───本文主要分析要素财产所有权和企业所有权所赋予按生产要素分配方式的特殊含义。
Fee simple, also known as fee simple absolute, is a type of legal possession in which the fee simple holder has complete possessory rights to the property. The holder can sell the property, leave the property via will or inheritance, or (depending on circumstances) may even destroy the prope...
if satisfied with the evidence, the Land Registry will register the property with an absolute title. If not, then it isusually the case that the property will be registered with a possessory title.
They do not belong to the life tenant who does have a present possessory interest. There's a Supreme Court case on that. It's Clyde v. Hamilton from 1967. And that case pretty clearly says that if you have a life estate, you do not have a right to payments on oil and gas ...
” The wordproprietasis derived fromproprius, an adjective meaning “peculiar” or “own,” as opposed tocommunis, “common,” oralienus, “another’s.” Thus, even before it comes to be a legal term, “property” in the West expresses what distinguishes an individual or a thing from a ...