When writing a book title in the text, not the references, most academic style manuals require title-style capitalization and italics. For example, they would all format the book title Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the same way. However, each style manual follows slightly different...
Should Death of a Salesman be shown in quotes or italics? In Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" the beginning of the play shows Hamlet in agony over his father's recent death. What is this an example of? How is the play of Romeo and Juliet histor...
Consider section 4.21 of the APA Publication Manual "Use of Italics;" according to it, italics should be used for titles of books, periodicals, films, videos, television shows, and microfilm. Make an exception if words in the title are usually italicized and set them in normal type instead;...
Martin can’t, for the moment, recall which newspaper, or thebook’s title. Martin no se acuerda del periódico ni deltítulodel libro. Literature “Do you know a wonderful littlebook titledThe Beneficence of Christ?” –¿Conoce vuesa merced un preciosolibrito titulado“El beneficio de Cri...
American Psychological Association and Chicago style place movie titles in italics, while Associated Press style uses quotes for such titles. When referring to a movie in the body of a paper, all of the major style guides use title case, which means all of the major words in the title are...
% \item The quotes «~» are typeset by the macro \cmd{\frquote} of % \pkg{babel-french} (version $\geq$ 3.1), rather than by the custom % commands \cmd{\guillemotleft} and \cmd{\guillemotright}. % \item The \code{makebst} menu information is only included in the % ...
For example, the `\fmtfont{1:7}{the name of}{\em}` in the book of Daniel will print the words \"the name of\thinspace " in italics (to indicate the word not in original language), because `\em` is an intelligent italics switch (it automatically adds the italics correction `\/`...
when you use the Exchange Cache Mode Outlook uses the Offline Address Book (OAB). The OAB is generated on the Exchange Server. When you make changes in the Active Directory you have to wait till the Exchange Server has generated a new OAB and Outlook has downloaded the new OAB. How long...
Quotes 458 Anonymity and confidentiality 459 Conflicts of interests 460 Crimes, victims and the suspect 460 Photo integrity 461 Using someone else’s photographs or artwork 461 Ethical lapses – gaffes, quandaries and journalistic felonies 461
Quotes 458 Anonymity and confidentiality 459 Conflicts of interests 460 Crimes, victims and the suspect 460 Photo integrity 461 Using someone else’s photographs or artwork 461 Ethical lapses – gaffes, quandaries and journalistic felonies 461