Title IX pioneers reflect on law's 50th anniversary "Less than 30,000 women were playing college sports when Title IX was passed," the NCAA's director of inclusion told CBS News. "We now have over 220,000." Jun 23, 2022 Biden administration proposes overhaul to campus sexual assault rules...
Title IX: NCAA report shows stark gap in funding for women June 23, 2022 Title IX: Scurry’s career, law forever linked at Smithsonian June 23, 2022 Title IX: Strides for women of color in sports lag under law June 23, 2022 More News Title IX: Some violations tough to prov...
Title IX Alert. (News)The National Association for Girls and Women in Sport (NAGWS) and other women's advocacy...American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance...
a practice being considered in dozens of states in recent years. The Biden Administration earlier had separated the proposed athletics rules for transgender student participation from other proposed revisions to the Title IX regulations designed to undo some of the changes made by former President Trump...
“They’re much, much, much less likely to be abused, whether that’s emotional, physical or sexually abused, if they have a female coach.” (Though female coaches can also behave abusively toward their athletes. Case in point: therecent allegationsagainst Universit...
As the housing market adjusts to a post-pandemic normal with higher mortgage rates, housing market potential will subside from recent highs, according to First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming. But those highs were the exception, not the norm. ...
Title IX, the landmark gender equity law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972, banned sex discrimination in federally funded education programs. Its protections would open doors for girls and women in admission, academic majors, teaching positions, vocational programs and individual clas...
Jerry Brown vetoed the state legislature’s attempt to codify previously issued Title IX guidance. A similar bill, introduced this month in the U.S. House of Representatives, has not yet received the bipartisan support needed to have any prospect of passage. Civil litigation against colleges and...
Gov. Greg Abbott also condemned the changes, sending a letter to Biden saying the recent revision "forces schools to treat biological men as women."Abbott also directed the Texas colleges and universities to ignore the revisionsto Title IX. ...
and has been applied toward reducing sexual violence on campus and promoting transgender rights in recent years. But athletics have been at the center of Title IX from the very beginning. (Even the fight around it used sports as a battleground: Witness the early attempt by Sen. John Tower ...