Title IX investigation will include recommendations today
Harvard is pursuing a second Title IX investigation into Economics professor Roland G. Fryer, Jr. after concluding an earlier probe into the professor this fall, according to two individuals with knowledge of the situation. Last month, Fryer spokesperson Harry W. Clark said Harvard investigators had...
Campuses, &a...]]>Leslie M. GomezGina Maisto Smith
Less than a year later, Stricklin fired women’s soccer coach Tony Amato amid an investigation into the coach’s comments and behavior regarding players’ eating habits and body shapes. Amato was fired without cause one year into a six-year contract, leaving the Gators o...
Firm’s Title IX complaint results in OCR investigation in NYC Dept. of Ed for retaliation against rape victim (Aug 8, 2016) Firm’s Title IX complaint results in OCR investigation in NYC Dept. of Ed for retaliation against rape victim...
UT: Sexual Violence Cases Linked ; Investigation to Decide If Complaints Violate Title IXA second complaint filed against the University of Tennessee islinked to the complaint that put...Slaby, Mj
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PHILIP The Way According to S. Mark GBP 2.001478343058 MARY, SISTER EDNA MARY The Religious Life GBP 2.001478343059 ATKINSON, JAMES Martin Luther and the Birth of Protestantism GBP 2.001478343060 CADOUX, CECIL JOHN The Life of Jesus GBP 2.00...
Colleges/Universities Required Reporting of Sexual Misconduct Increased Under the Clery Act/Title IX by Kevin E. Raphael, Esq. and Jesse Abrams-Morley, Esq. As many institutions are quickly learning, colleges and universities face formi- dable federal compliance requirements under the Clery Act ("...
Less than a year later, Stricklin fired women’s soccer coach Tony Amato amid an investigation into the coach’s comments and behavior regarding players’ eating habits and body shapes. Amato was fired without cause one year into a six-year contract, leaving the Gators on the hook for roug...