22, 2017, the Office for Civil Rights officially withdrew the policy statements and guidance reflected in its April 4, 2011, "Dear Colleague Letter" on sexual violence and its April 29, 2014, Q&A on Title IX and sexual violence. In tandem with its announcement, OCR issued a new Q&A on ...
and leadership Women in Boardroom: A global perspective Balancing the two: Work challenges and family needs Leaders Speak CFO - Embracing technology for enhancing performance Innovation in talent, design and strategy Data Analytics: who's in charge CFO - Taking the lead CFO- The steward and the...
22, 2017, the Office for Civil Rights officially withdrew the policy statements and guidance reflected in its April 4, 2011, "Dear Colleague Letter" on sexual violence and its April 29, 2014, Q&A on Title IX and sexual violence. In tandem with its announcement, OCR issued a new Q&A on ...
Title IX Audit Impacts Hazleton Area Booster ClubsMIA LIGHT
The Impacts of VAWA on the Intersection between Title IX and Clery: Pr...Leslie M. Gomez
The Recent Title VII Retaliation Standard: Impacts on Title IXLinda A. SharpJ.D
Leslie M. GomezGina Maisto Smith
The article discusses a study by researchers from the University of California-Berkeley regarding the native carnivore populations of bobcats, foxes, and coyotes. The study found that in natural areas with no public a...
22, 2017, the Office for Civil Rights officially withdrew the policy statements and guidance reflected in its April 4, 2011, "Dear Colleague Letter" on sexual violence and its April 29, 2014, Q&A on Title IX and sexual violence. In tandem with its announcement, OCR issued a new Q&A on ...