Complaints are likely to rise with the release of new Title IX regulations this year (2020). According to United Educators (a group that insures U.S. educational institutions), Title IX claims are among the most frequent and costliest claims that educational institutions face, and the...
IXPath Label Labels LeaderLines Legend LegendEntries LegendEntry LegendKey Line LinearGradient LineFormat Lines LinkFormat ListBox ListBoxes ListColumn ListColumns ListDataFormat ListObject ListObjects ListRow ListRows Mailer Menu MenuBar MenuBars MenuItem MenuItems Menus Model ModelChanges Model...
Laws, regulations and rules, or bills, acts and statues as in other law systems, are an important type of all kinds of references from texts in practical use in daily life. These documents may be expanded on the basis of similar stylistic features to include legal or regulatory documents mad...
Title Page/ Contents/ Introductiondoi:10.1159/000412313ChristodoulouG.N.
Agilesphere and Fimatix are today (9 April 2020) announcing their merger. By combining their complementary expertise, this move will create a leading Govtech and Fintech business: Agilesphere, a Fimatix Group company. The purpose of the combined entity will be to enhance the productivity of ...
Bruce Power has a process to ensure compliance with the NSCA [14] and its Regulations. Therefore, the NSCA and Regulations were not considered further in this review. 3.2. Power Reactor Operating Licence The list of codes and standards related to ageing that are referenced in the Bruce Power ...
IXPath Label Labels LeaderLines Legend LegendEntries LegendEntry LegendKey Line LinearGradient LineFormat Lines LinkFormat ListBox ListBoxes ListColumn ListColumns ListDataFormat ListObject ListObjects ListRow ListRows Mailer Menu MenuBar MenuBars MenuItem MenuItems Menus Model ModelChanges ModelColumnChange...
IXPath Label Labels LeaderLines Legend LegendEntries LegendEntry LegendKey Line LinearGradient LineFormat Lines LinkFormat ListBox ListBoxes ListColumn ListColumns ListDataFormat ListObject ListObjects ListRow ListRows Mailer Menu MenuBar MenuBars MenuItem MenuItems Menus Model ModelChanges ModelColumnChange...
IXPath Label Labels LeaderLines Legend LegendEntries LegendEntry LegendKey Line LinearGradient LineFormat Lines LinkFormat ListBox ListBoxes ListColumn ListColumns ListDataFormat ListObject ListObjects ListRow ListRows Mailer Menu MenuBar MenuBars MenuItem MenuItems Menus Model ModelChanges ModelColumnChange...
Title Page / Contents / Foreworddoi:10.1159/000386796Freerksen, E.Orlowski, E.-H.Thumin, H.-J.