MATLAB Online で開く Hello there, Does anyone know how to set the title of a plot which contains two lines of information? Let's get into this example (I attached the informations I want to put as the title). % Sample data x = linspace(0, 3*pi, 200); ...
matlab中title引入变量 1. 三行标题 a= 1; b= 2; c = 3; d= 4; title( { 'Plot', ['a = ', num2str(a), 'b = ',num2str(b)], ['c = ', num2str(c),',d = ',... num2str(d) ] } ) Notice:有两点,一是title中引入中括号[ ],每对中括号表示一行;二是多行[ ]用{ }括起来...
plot(x,y) title('Sine Wave','Rotation',45) 运行上述代码后,会在图形上方添加一个逆时针旋转45度的"Sine Wave"标题。 四、总结 本文介绍了Title函数在MATLAB中的用法。通过Title函数,可以方便地添加图形标题,并且可以通过设置参数来调整标题样式和位置。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地使用MATLAB进行数据分析和可视化...
plot(x,y,'linewidth',3) xlabel('x') ylabel('y') x=1; str='study' title(['x=',num2str(x), ', ', str]) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Thefunction title(___,Name,Value)is responsible for modifying the appearance of a title utilizing one or more Name, Value pair parameters. Example 1: How to Add Title to a Figure in MATLAB This MATLAB code creates a 2D plot corresponding to the given expression using theplot()function. Aft...
I cannot ensure that label is not a cell in this case, which is where I believe the problem was arising. However, the char(10) works perfectly. Thanks
1、在MATLAB帮助文件中查找有关title的使用方法,并为y1对应的图形添加标题 y1=sin(t) ;为y2对应图形添加标题 y2=e-atcos(3t),其中a根据输入显示具体值(使用num2str函数)。请写出有关指令。t=0:pi/20:4*pi;y1=sin(t); a=input(a= );y2=exp(-a*t).*cos(3*t)plot(t,y1,r,LineWidth,2),...
Create a figure and display a title in the current axes. Get plot((1:10).^2) title('My Title') You also can call title with a function that returns text. For example, the date function returns text with today's date. Get title(date) MATLAB® sets the output of date as ...
matlab title({'第一行标题'; ['a的值为', num2str(a)]; ['b的值为', num2str(b)]}); 4. 执行代码以显示带有变量值的标题 在绘制图形后,执行上述title函数即可在图形上显示带有变量值的标题。例如: matlab % 绘制一个简单的图形 plot(1:10); % 设置标题 a = 10; b = 20; title(['a的值...