(2009). Rethinking guardianship (again) substituted decision-making as a violation for the integration mandate of Title II of the Americans with Disability Act. University of Colorado Law Review, 81, 157-205.Salzman, L. (2010) `Rethinking guardianship (again): substituted decision making as a ...
From 2013 to 2016, under the guardianship of the more reform-minded former PBoC governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, the fintech industry was generally allowed to bloom with little constraint. Governor Zhou's belief at the time was that Ant and Tencent's financial innovations coul...
Guardianship and Power of Attorney Sections Move to New Title 64.2
The article offers information on updated charts titled Multi-State Guardianship Jurisdiction Stories, Supporting Need for the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act by the American Bar Association (ABA) Commis...
Topics include documentation and guardian selection regulations, submitting the guardianship petition to the courts, and termination of guardianship. Also noted are financial considerations such as attor...