Immigration TodayImmigration TodayLooks at statistics and policies for immigration for the 1990s. Regulation and implementation of immigration to the United States; Details of United States policies pertaining to immigrant admission; Definition of immigrants; Reference to ...
CHRISTIANITY, American Missionaries, and Korean Immigration to the United States, 1903-1915.Wayne Patterson. 88:59-78. 2013. CHRONOLOGY of Plant Taxonomy in Korea.Lee Tchang-bok. XLIX:48-54. 1974. CHUNGSAN’GYO: Its History, Doctrines and Ritual Practices. Lee Kang-o.Trans. by Richard Rutt...
Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or brand them as aliens to be kicked out. That framework has contributed mightily to our broken immigration syste...
Immigration officials are already dealing with a surge of migrants, even before the expiration of Title 42, a 2020 policy that allowed US authorities to swiftly expel migrants encountered at the southern border, with some exceptions, ostensibly to curb the s...
Asylum-seekers say joy over the end of the public health restriction known as Title 42 this month is turning into anguish with the realization of how the Biden administration’s new rules affect them. Though the government opened some new avenues for immigration, many people’s fate is...
The US immigration story: today and yesterdayGraphs show statistics on legal immigration in 1986, illegal immigrants arrested in the US, amnesty requests by illegals, and legal immigration to he US by dec...
Waiting two years to just get on the court docket reflects a “totally collapsed” system, said Theresa Cardinal Brown, managing director of immigration and cross-border policy for the Bipartisan Policy Center. Online registration using CBPOne would be “antithetical to the whole concept of asylum...
“The Biden administration’s embrace of Title 42 has exposed people seeking safety to untold violence and suffering,” CGRS Managing Attorney Neela Chakravartula said today. “The administration’s decision to defend the policy in court is unconscionable,...
Just prior to the end of World War II, a law responsible for halting Chinese immigration to the United States is lifted. Ben Loy, a Chinese-American who has just returned from his tour of duty with the U.S. Army, is encouraged by his relatives to make the most of this situation by ...
The fast-approachingend of the Title 42 immigration policyhas prompted an uptick in migrants arriving in border towns. The mayor of El Paso says the Texas city has the resources it needs for now, but that it’s not sustainable having to deal with this influx every few months. ...