Wikipedia Related to title bar:Menu bar ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.title bar- (computer science) a horizontal label at the top of a window, bearing the name of the currently active document
Chapter 11, Title 11, United States CodeSecured creditorsChapter 47 of Title 10, United States Code, also known as the "Uniform Code of Military Justice"
[ Jekyll, tutorial ] +image: assets/images/1.jpg +--- +The first mass-produced book to deviate from a rectilinear format, at least in the United States, is thought to be this 1863 edition of Red Riding Hood, cut into the shape of the protagonist herself with the troublesome wolf ...
According to the United States Census Bureau, the township had a total area of 30.638 square miles (79.351 km2), including 29.940 square miles (77.543 km2) of land and 0.698 square miles (1.808 km2) of water (2.28%). Edison is on the east side of Raritan Valley (a line of communities...
With the largest economy in the world, the United States of America offers some of the best possible business opportunities for U.K companies. Founded on the principles of equality, the US is rich in cultural diversity. This - alongside a hardworking, dedicated and well-educated workforce - ...
(UK) and three based in the United States (US). We show that, for the majority of newspapers, the number of tweets on climate change increased from 2014 to 2019, saw a sharp decrease in 2020, in correspondence with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a subsequent rise in ...
Top law enforcement officials in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia told Facebook today that they want backdoor access to all encrypted messages sent on all its platforms. In an open letter, these governments called on Mark Zuckerberg to stop Facebook's plan to introduce end-to...
Under the # onvention between the United States of America and Great Britain to Aid in the Prevention of the Smuggling of Intoxicating Liquors into the United States, Great Britain agreed that it would not raise any objection to the boarding of private vessels under British flag outside the li...
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You can view and copy the source of this page. [[File:Steam Server Browser.png|right|600px|thumb|''絕地要塞2''裏的伺服器瀏覽器。]] [[Steam/zh-hant|Steam]] '''伺服器瀏覽器''' 允許玩家在列表中以伺服器地圖或是游戲模式來尋找可游玩的伺服器。和其他Source引擎驅動游戲裏的伺服器瀏覽器不...