[ 'code' => CodeEnum::SUCCESS, 'msg' => "发送成功"] : [ 'code' => CodeEnum::ERROR, 'msg' => "发送失败"]; } diff --git a/application/common/logic/Orders.php b/application/common/logic/Orders.php index 5f6c359..922a30a 100644 --- a/application/common/logic/Orders.php +++ ...
The article discusses the development of the HydroSpa Keratin Smoothing Treatment (KST) formula. It mentions that the KST formula was originally developed in Brazil as a hair treatment service. It states that the treatment would infuse the keratin protein onto the cuticle layer of the h...
Source code related to controlling the filter band and antenna switches resides in e300_impl.c. Specifically, refer to methods e300_impl::_update_bandsel, e300_impl::_update_atrs, e300_impl::_update_gpio, and e300_impl::_update_enables. Generally, these methods set the switches depending on...
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