Cultural objects have a special, protected, status because of their intangible ‘heritage’ value to people, as symbols of an identity. This has
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Section E: Crystallographic Communications Acta Crystallographica: Section A (Wiley-Blackwell) Acta Crystallographica: Section B (Wiley-Blackwell) Acta Crystallographica: Section C (Wiley-Blackwell) Acta Crystallographica: Section D (Wiley-Blackwell) Acta Crystallographica: Section F (Wiley-Blackwell) Acta ...
s.1382c; (b) developmentally disabled as defined in section 2 of P.L.1979, c. 105 (C.30:1AA-2); or (c) under age 18, or over age 18 and a full-time student, with serious disabilities that reasonably may prevent the individual from being self-sufficient as an adult. "Protected ...
16、 C88Article 4. Wind Performance Reporting Systems92 1381.Title and Purpose. 1382.Definitions. 1383.Reporting Period. 1384.Requirements to File. 1385.Information Requirements: Wind Project Operators. 1386.Information Requirement: Wind Power Purchaser. 1387.Publication of Data. 1388.Failure to Provi...
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王室之灾 nick_royalsbane 迪特温(easteregg_dietwin)<834年5月18日-868年9月16日>(1.8.2中的随机角色,版本更新后因Reddit呼声在1.11成为特殊角色) 盲眼 nick_the_blind 726-745年及746-749年古亚美尼亚国王 阿绍特·巴格拉图尼(41500)<685年1月1日-749年1月1日> 900-902年及902-905年意大利国王 路易...