Chapter 01 忙碌的早晨Chapter 02 做家事Chapter 03 下課後孩子回家Chapter 04 從傍晚到晚上Part 2 每天用的稱讚和嘮叨Chapter 05 表達稱讚Chapter 06 偶爾也會挨罵Chapter 07 勸告Chapter 08 習慣養成Chapter 09 孩子們常用的表達Chapter 10 爸爸正在講理由Part 3 和媽媽一起玩 Let’s Play!Chapter 11 孩子們...
I am tweaking a template that I created, which was based on the standard book templates that came with FM10. For some reason, when I insert the Chapter Title Name variable, the actual chapter title does not appear. Instead, the name of the file does. I read in the help PDF that...
Title CHAPTER 9 THE BIOSPHERE: HOW THE REVOLUTION IN BIOLOGY RELATES TO GREEN CHEMISTRY From Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments of Sustainabilit
An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.题目给书、戏剧、电影、音乐作品或其它作品表明身份的名字 See: name A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.标题一种大概的或描述性的题目,如一本书中的章节 Oftentitles 常作titles Writ...
The text of Part B, Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles, from Energy Policy and Conservation Act as amended by National Energy Conservation Policy Act (PL-619) is presented. The text includes the following subjects: coverage, test procedures, labeling, energy eff...
While fans eagerly anticipated Anthony Mackie’s first solo outing as the new Captain America, hoping for a triumphant fresh chapter in the franchise, the film’s reception has thrown a wrench in those expectations. ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Marks A Rough Start For Anth...
default_prefix = {k:vfork, __, vinCATEGORIES}.get(category, _('Chapter-')) previous = tprefs.get('file-list-bulk-rename-prefix', {}) prefix = prefixorprevious.get(category, default_prefix) p.setText(prefix) p.selectAll() = la = QLabel(msgor_('All selected files will be...
《Kiss 22 Title》,慕容荒颜,《Kiss 22 Title》之Backbone&Ear,综漫 天作之合 西方罗曼 轻松,主角:JackFrost,Elsa ┃ 配角:Anna,Kristoff ┃ 其它:Jelsa,22kiss,跨过公司来爱你|最新更新:2014-11-26 17:33:07|作品积分:515504
AAPG Studies in Geology No. 50, (Section Title: General Geology of the Ferron Sandstone) Chapter 10: Facies and Permeability Relationships for Wave-Modified and Fluvial-Dominated Deposits of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Central UtahTwo parasequence intervals in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone ...
示例10: calculate_url ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from core.item import Item [as 别名]# 或者: from core.item.Item importtitle[as 别名]if"worldtour_path"incam_data[cam_id]'(\.flv|\.mp4|\.jpg|\.png)$', cam_data[cam_id]["worldtour_path"] ): ...